Kate Kaufman

Being Rescheduled

Retreat Leader: Kate Kaufman

Gather over a long weekend with women who know we will never have kids of our own. We’ll explore how our lives unfold differently than those who are mothers—in our relationships with friends and family members, at work and at play, and as we age—while we build a community based on mutual respect, care, and understanding. Most of all, we’ll embrace this unique and perfectly normal way of living and celebrate the many gifts we offer ourselves, each other, and the communities in which we live.

We seek a multigenerational, diverse group of supportive women. [Not well suited for those actively trying to conceive or those who are experiencing deep grief. Reach out if you’d like resources for support and healing.]

Lead by international, award-winning author of Do You Have Kids? Life When the Answer is No, Kate Kaufmann advocates for better understanding of the childless/childfree demographic in person, on air, and in print. A popular speaker, media guest, and conversation-starter, her work has been featured in Psychology Today, NBC, CBC Radio, and the Washington Post, among others. Her professional background is in human resources, training, and consulting. Learn more on her website katekaufmann.com

Retreat is being rescheduled.

Registration includes 3 nights lodging (single room with private bath) and 8 meals (Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast) and tuition for retreat activities.

Lodging and gatherings will be in our facility called the Creevey Complex.

Per person cost is $795

If you will be attending with a friend/family member and would like to share a room, Double occupancy is available upon request $485 per person.

Some financial assistance is available, please email Lori@menucha.org to inquire.

  • You may choose to pay in full, or pay half now and half on September 12, 2023. The option will show in the registration form.
  • You may opt to add "Purchase Protection" which is offered by a company called Purchase Protection LLC - you can read about their policies here. This is an optional additional cost and they have different requirements for obtaining a refund if you are unable to attend.
  • Menucha's cancellation policy for its programs is found here.
  • COVID info: As of now (April 2023) Menucha requires program participants to show proof of Covid vaccination or a negative result for a Covid test taken within 24 hours of arrival (can be a home test) in order to attend.